How to download skyrim mods using nmm

With OBMM installed, you can simply double-click this. Double-click it again from there, and it will install automatically. The installer may ask you questions to determine your preferences or ensure mod compatibility. This utility can automatically download, install, and update mods for you. Please use this with caution, as not all mods are packaged in such a way as to work well with it. Back up your files. This is one of the most important steps of using mods. The first is your.. SkyrimData folder.

You do not have to back this up every time you install a new mod, but it might be worthwhile to back it up once you have your favorite basics in place. If you have set up multiple installs for your game, this is probably not necessary, as you have surely created a backup.

The second is your saved games. These are, by default, located in.. Every time I get a bunch, I sort them into backup folders named by character, which periodically get compressed into. Saves can easily get to mb each, but a block of saves can be 7zipped down to 20mb.

The third is your mods! Let's say you install one mod, then another that overwrote something from the first, and you don't like it.

If you still have a copy of the first mod, it is easy to simply re-install that one again overtop of the second one and get those changes back how you had them. So when you're done installing a mod, re-zip it and toss it in a backup folder. Make sure you name these backups after the mods themselves, as many downloads won't have recognizable names grr.

All this takes up extra drive space. If you don't have room, put priority on backing up your saves regularly and go from there.

For this reason, your backups should go in a new folder outside of Oblivion's program folder, and also outside of its.. My GamesOblivion folder. I do not know yet if Skyrim still does this or not, but there can only be good to come of keeping it clean anyway.

Archive Invalidation. Skyrim does not require any Archive Invalidation, so if you are using this guide for Skyrim, skip this step. Lots of mods are 'texture packs' or 'replacers' which provide an alternate visual representation for existing stuff in the game. If you use one, you may need some form of Archive Invalidation.

There are two ways to handle this: manually, or automatically. The manual way is so tedious and error-prone that I will not talk about it. To handle it automatically, get the utility described there. Activate the mod. If the mod came with a plugin an. You will see a list of currently installed plugins. NMM does not automatically activate mods as there is a chance your downloads will conflict with currently installed files, and we think it's best if you manage this process manually so you do not inadvertently break your game.

To activate and install a mod simply select the mod within the Mods tab and click the "Activate" button. To deactivate and uninstall a mod simply click the "Deactivate" button.

You can also double-click the mod in the list to activate or deactivate mods. Deactivating mods simply removes the files the mod used from the game folders and removes the content from your game. However it does not delete the archived file, so you can deactivate and activate mods you have within the Mods tab without having to redownload the files. Once a mod has been activated in the Mods tab it should be installed and added to your game, ready to be used.

You do not need to do anything else. Simply run the game. From Nexus Mods Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Overview One of the major bonuses of using the Nexus Mod Manager NMM over manually installing your mods is that it makes it a lot easier for you to actually download and install mods off of the Nexus sites. This page was last edited on 11 August , at Navigation menu. Namespaces Page Discussion.


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