Share On:. View More Posts Michael Morgan. Eldernode Writer. We Are Waiting for your valuable comments and you can be sure that it will be answered in the shortest possible time. Post A Comment. Leave Your Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Choose Your Level Advance Beginner Introducing and Install Guake on Ubuntu Reverting means discarding all modifications you've made to one or more files which you haven't committed yet.
But what if you selected the wrong file s to revert? Sure, TortoiseSVN always asks you first before it reverts the files. But as we all know, such "Are you sure? So what if you reverted files and you then discover that you shouldn't have done that? Save the revision graph as an SVG file Posted on May 9, The revision graph is a nice way to get a quick overview of your project. However you can not share the graph with other people unless you save it as an image and pass the image on.
If the revision graph is small, then saving the graph as a PNG image will do just fine. But as with all images, a PNG does not scale very well. And if the revision graph is already big the resulting image file can get quite big as well. Get project updates , sponsored content from our select partners, and more. Full Name. Phone Number. Job Title.
Company Size Company Size: 1 - 25 26 - 99 - - 1, - 4, 5, - 9, 10, - 19, 20, or More. Get notifications on updates for this project. Get the SourceForge newsletter. JavaScript is required for this form. No, thanks. Features powerful commit dialog fast log UI Revision graph svn version control. You won't see any commands that you can't use in your situation.
A separate input box to enter the issue number assigned to the commit, or coloring of the issue number directly in the log message itself When showing all log messages, an extra column is added with the issue number.
You can immediately see to which issue the commit belongs to. Issue numbers are converted into links which open the webbrowser directly on the corresponding issue Optional warning if a commit isn't assigned to an issue number Helpful Tools TortoiseMerge Shows changes you made to your files Helps resolving conflicts Can apply patchfiles you got from users without commit access to your repository TortoiseBlame : to show blames of files.