Quick Draw. Filled to the Brim. Hard to Kill. Legendary Gunzerker Lay Waste. All in the Reflexes. Last Longer. Yippee Ki Yay. Legendary Hoarder Locked and Loaded. Lay Waste. Legendary Titan Locked and Loaded. Which is odd, but the epic rarity Unhinged Berserker is actually better than the Legendary Berserker. Why do you think the purple Unhinged Berserker is superior?
VaultHunter what do you prefer from the 3? One of them is three years old, the other is five years old. I think the one that drops from Tubbies post-level 61 legendary Gunzerker is the better all round choice because of the skill selection - it fits better with a number of standard Sal builds. The top gear thread I think he just accidentally has the same name in twice. Otherwise, the Berserker is fine and probably easier to find.
I like the Kitten generally, Lyuda is solid, Pimpernel rocks because of weird mechanism effects while Gunzerking - lots of solid choices there. Going to ping Kurtdawg13 because I know he was rocking Sal pretty heavily at one point. Lyuda is a solid choice, paired with a Ladyfist for the extra crit dmg. One of the issues here is that the legendary Berserker is not a legendary version of a Berserker COM: they are named after the characters in BL1 Brick was the Berserker.
Bear in mind I made this list years ago and I might make it very differently if I was to do it again today, I would probably rank the Leg. Berserker as Outstanding as well now. Try both, see which one works better for your playstyle.
There is no reason to go for an unhinged berserker if you have access to a Legendary Gunzerker. I will use this format: Meaning that a Blue COM is preferable in this case, that the altered prefix is the best, and that Incite should be the second skill boosted.
Forgot your username or password? User Info: crimsonslayer2 crimsonslayer2 11 years ago 1 I did some searching before i created this topic. I didnt see too many threads dedicated to best Berserker builds. Only a few conversations here and there.
But I was interested in making the best possible berserk type Berserker. What would some of you suggest is the best possible build for the most dmg, and ability to live through onslaughts while zerking? And what would be the best mod to inflict the most dmg? User Info: TheBukanator TheBukanator 11 years ago 2 Just focus your build around his special ability and getting it back faster.
The number is unaffected by the COM title, the manufacturer, and material grade. A mod's required character level also determines the quality of the effect bonus.
For a given quality of class mod, the item level further defines the effect bonuses, the most significant of which being a step up in skill boost at level The effect bonuses for a Vladof Rifleman class mod are tabulated below:. Each class has eleven sub-classes of mods. Each mod is geared towards a specific branch of the skill tree. As such, the bearer will only receive the full benefit of the mod used if the skills are matched to the mods.
Some class mods are better than others but have one perk that makes them stand out, such as ammunition regeneration or increased accuracy. Keep in mind that only one class mod can be equipped at once.
Of the original seven, four are geared to solo play and three geared to team play. The third DLC adds three new class mods for each class specialized on a consumer loyalty concept. The mods boost only the effects of the item of the same company as the mod itself i. If a character has a Hyperion Loyalty Mod like the Sharpshooter of Hyperion, and uses a Hyperion weapon, he gets an award of bonus weapon damage.
This very helpful class mod also increases the chances of finding more weapons from that manufacturer. A problem once came up with these class mods: a player equipped the loyalty mod in an online game, and after switching to a single player or split-screen game the mod would disappear.
This error was fixed in a later patch. See Notes below. Bad Ass Torgue Loyalty [1]. Ogre [1]. Specter [1].