But this isn't a situation that pleases Billy when he returns. He doesn't own a Biker to Pussy translating dictionary, so he's not sure what "ceasefire'' means. And he isn't prone to respecting the boundaries of his enemy's territory. So that's the journey you take on in The Lost.
This tense relationship is so expertly written, and with such self-control, that you'll wince at the constant anticipation of Lost-on-Lost violence that's being saved for the finale. In terms of what you do in the world, few things change. You ride as part of a pack now, and riding over the icon that appears in the centre of the pack triggers bonus dialogue that you'd normally get from being in a car. The pack mentality extends to your members - they're not a lot of nameless, faceless people.
If someone dies, they stay dead. If they're replaced, it'll be with less helpful rookies. Group AI and health is always something of an opaque art in GTA4 - it's difficult to tell what help your friends are actually offering, or what damage they're taking.
You often suspect they're simply there to add to the spectacle, rather than the battle. More of the same, but with new characters that wouldn't fit into the main story. Rockstar aren't selling you the last level they didn't finish by deadline. The Ballad Of Gay Tony is a very different beast. When I say that, I don't mean it's a different game: you'll still be driving to waypoints, and you'll still have 25 side missions called Gang Wars.
But the tone is bolder, the pace is faster, the music is camper, and ii the characters are bigger. Gay Tony isn't even the star of the show, which shows considerable restraint: it'd be all to easy for Rockstar to pander to their target audience and turn him into a comedy flamer, so kudos for filling out his character.
Admittedly, he's pill and coke-addled, a lousy businessman and no role model, but if you come to GTA for your role models, you need taking out of society right now. Like its titular hero, The Ballad of Gay Tony is a tackier, unsubtle and more fun affair. You'll take down a helicopter with a rocket launcher in an introductory mission, and the parachutes are a flat rejection of The Lost's grenade-launching grittiness, in favour of a colourful Just Cause -style attitude to reality. In a lovely touch, the relationship between player character Luis and Tony is one of genuine warmth.
Luis' story is a new take on the GTA classic theme of a doomed new start - Tony sponsored Luis' release from jail and offered him a job. Of course, Luis is dragged back into his old ways - with a mother in debt to a loan shark, hopeless friends trying to carve themselves a drug empire, and a boss whose business methods involve selling his clubs simultaneously to two different and equally violent gangs.
There's comedy here - for example, the escape from a golfing range in a caddy, but it rarely comes from Tony or Luis. They're just friends in a world that tends to crazy levels of bat-shit.
Gay Tony has a loveable, hypermanic comedy figure from the Brucie's school of self-regard - Yusuf Amir, voiced by Omid Djalili. He's the kind of guy that wants a subway train to boost his social standing, and Tony's the kind of guy who dangles bloggers from helicopters. Between them, Luis is the classic bemused observer, helping out because he doesn't have a choice.
And again, his is a story you'll care about, and it's pleasing to see that the openly homophobic characters are also the least intelligent.
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And since nothing else changes though the switch to the DualShock 2 pad is welcome , it sounds like a rip-off Only having one analog stick for instance can cause significant camera problems and really be challenging to overcome with the limited controls of a PSP.
I can tell you that it's not going to be problem free, but have no fear, this game is a must have for the PSP. Without going into the details too deep, the story revolves around Toni Cipriani who is a big player in the Leone family. As you might guess, the Leone family has some out of the ordinary business interests and techniques that require the Leone family to find ways to 'motivate'?
Anyway, the missions that you undertake are classic Grand Theft Auto style. However there are a number of missions that don't work well, either because of the design of the mission or restrictions from the PSP, but overall you'll be able to overlook those as the rest of the game more then makes up for it. The other parts of the gameplay will be familiar and transferred to the PSP beautifully.
The huge sprawling city to move around in is represented with plenty of side missions, the control system especially the camera has some glitches but generally can be worked through, and the multiplayer capabilities have to be experienced to fully appreciate with full functionality similar to what the console versions of GTA offer'full freedom.
Besides the gameplay, the graphics and audio also make comparable showing to the console versions with amazing detail and quality.