How along android studio download components takes to install

Shared Axis: transitions between UI elements that have a spatial or navigational relationship; uses a shared transformation on the x, y, or z axis to reinforce the relationship between elements. Fade Through: transitions between UI elements that do not have a strong relationship to each other; uses a sequential fade out and fade in, with a scale of the incoming element. Fade: used for UI elements that enter or exit within the bounds of the screen. What you'll build This codelab will guide you through building some transitions into an example Android email app called Reply , using Kotlin, to demonstrate how you can use transitions from the MDC-Android library to customize the look and feel of your app.

The starter code for the Reply app will be provided, and you will incorporate the following Material transitions into the app, which can be seen in the completed codelab's GIF below: Container Transform transition from email list to email detail page Container Transform transition from FAB to compose email page Shared Z-Axis transition from search icon to search view page Fade Through transition between mailbox pages Container Transform transition from email address chip to card view What you'll need Basic knowledge of Android development and Kotlin Android Studio download it here if you don't already have it An Android emulator or device available through Android Studio The sample code see next step How would you rate your level of experience building Android apps?

Novice Intermediate Proficient 2. Load the starter code in Android Studio Once the setup wizard finishes and the Welcome to Android Studio window is shown, click Open an existing Android Studio project. Navigate to the directory where you had installed the sample code and select the sample directory to open the project. Wait a moment for Android Studio to build and sync the project, as shown by activity indicators along the bottom of the Android Studio window.

At this point, Android Studio might raise some build errors because you are missing the Android SDK or build tools, such as the one shown below. If you are still running into issues, follow the guide on updating your tools with the SDK Manager.

In the Select Deployment Target window, if you already have an Android device listed in your available devices, skip to Step 8. Otherwise, click Create New Virtual Device. In the Select Hardware screen, select a phone device, such as Pixel 3 , and then click Next.

If it is not installed, click the Download link that is shown and complete the download. Click Next. Select an Android device from the deployment target dialog. Click Ok. Android Studio builds the app, deploys it, and automatically opens it on the target device. Optional: Slow down device animations Since this codelab involves quick, yet polished transitions, it can be useful to slow down the device's animations in order to observe some of the finer details of the transitions as you are implementing.

Get familiar with the sample app code Let's take a look at the code. Now that you're familiar with the starter code, let's implement our first transition. Add Container Transform transition from email list to email detail page To begin, you will add a transition when clicking on an email. Add the below snippet to the HomeFragment onEmailClicked method to have the list of emails subtly scale out when exiting and back in when reentering: HomeFragment.

You should have a transition from the FAB to compose screen that looks like the following: 6. Add Shared Z-Axis transition from search icon to search view page In this step, we'll add a transition from the search icon to the full screen search view. Z, true. And it needs to work on devices that are running older versions of Android or that are very underpowered.

This is essentially an emulator that you can use to mimic the look and performance of any other Android device, setting such things as screen size, power and Android version.

To use the virtual device though, you first need to build one by downloading the required components and setting the specifications as you want them. For those wondering, you can treat this just like any other emulator and even access the Play Store to download your apps.

If you want to target a specific version of Android, or if you want to create a virtual device running a specific version, then you are going to need to download the necessary platform and SDK tools.

Make sure to keep-up-to-date! Google has made this easy by building support right into the IDE itself. Likewise, you may find yourself needing to use GitHub, which lets you backup your apps online and handles version control for streamlined collaboration. Google is also updating Android Studio all the time, and bringing new features and functionality to the platform which can be challenging to keep up with.

The latest version at the time of writing is Android Studio 3. Then there are the new components introduced as part of Android Jetpack , such as the Navigation Architecture Component and Slices. It never ends. While this might all sound like a headache, Google is taking huge strides to keep making these processes as simple and easy as possible. This tutorial would have been much more confusing a few years ago, even just the set-up stage!

The best strategy is to get stuck in with a simple app project and to only learn the more advanced features as you need them. Here is an introduction tutorial for beginners.

My brain is simply not suited for memorizing obscure shorthand text commands I had trouble learning to read as a kid for the same reason , so I must rely on a great deal of repetition-based implicit memory muscle memory and cheat sheets. For those who are willing to put the time in even if it is a struggle like I do , or those who are really quite good at remembering such things, you will likely learn to appreciate how much more efficient you can be within a CLI versus a GUI.

Many operations can be carried out in a fraction of the time it takes to point and click your way through various menus and screens. It is also possible to write scripts, which are files containing a series of text commands, that can increase your efficiency even further. Why is this term relevant to the ADB? To give an explanation which prioritizes clarity over precision, the Android OS is based on Linux, and Linux is based on Unix.

As a result of this, we can use the ADB to get a hold of the Unix Shell for the device or emulator we are working with. This allows us a great deal of flexibility, capabilities, and control over the device or emulator by directly interacting with its shell. A shell is a general term for the program which you use to interact with an OS.

Just as a turtle shell provides protection and access to a turtle and is the outermost layer , the shell of an OS both protects and provides access to the inner workings of the OS. Personally, I was quite surprised to learn that "Shell" was not some esoteric acronym. Do not feel the need to overthink this term. If you are reading this on a computer of some kind, you used a shell to help you get here.

Again, let us start with a slightly imprecise explanation which is hopefully easier to understand. I will correct this definition shortly, though. Clients and Servers are both computers. The reason why we differentiate them in this way is based on their role. For example, your computer whether it is a desktop, laptop, phone, or whatever else is a Client of a freeCodeCamp Server, which serves you this HTML page.

In general, a client is something which uses something else , whereas a server is that which is being used. Do not overthink this term, as a Client-Server Model can describe a very large number of things both inside and outside of computing. As programmers and engineers, we typically ought to think of Clients and Servers as being processes a process is simply a running program.

This means that while a Client process and a Server process often do run on separate computers, it is also fine if they run on the same computer. They will occupy distinct locations in the memory space of said computer, so effectively the only difference is that they will communicate using IPC inter-process communication as opposed to sending messages to each other through a network connection.

In an enterprise setting, this Server process would likely sit on a remote communicated to through a network connection computer, but we will set up a Server which is local to our Client. Doing that will be much simpler than you probably think it will be. In case you skipped ahead, I already explained that a process is simply a running program. A Daemon is a process which runs in the background, which is to say that the user does not directly interact with it. For example, if you open a web browser, then chances are that the actual work of managing the network connections required to connect to the Internet will be carried out by something like a NetworkManager Daemon as opposed to the browser process itself.

You can then inspect objects in the heap as you normally would and double-click objects in the Allocation Call Stack tab to see where the JNI references are allocated and released in your code.

You can now import, export, and inspect. Import your. You can then inspect its data in the Memory Profiler as you would any other heap dump. To save heap dump data to review later, use the Export Heap Dump button at the right of the Heap Dump entry in the Sessions pane. In the Export As dialog that appears, save the file with the.

You can now import and inspect. Currently, you can't import System Trace recordings. You can then inspect its data in the CPU Profiler similar to how you normally would, with the following exceptions:.

After you deploy your app to a device, the profiler automatically starts recording CPU activity when your app calls startMethodTracing String tracePath , and the profiler stops recording when your app calls stopMethodTracing. The Energy Profiler displays a visualization of the estimated energy usage of your app, as well as system events that affect energy usage, such as wakelocks, alarms, and jobs.

The Energy Profiler appears as a new row at the bottom of the Profiler window when you run your app on a connected device or Android Emulator running Android 8. Click the Energy row to maximize the Energy Profiler view. Place your mouse pointer over a bar in the timeline to see a breakdown of energy use by CPU, network, and location GPS resources, as well as relevant system events.

System events that affect energy usage are indicated in the System timeline below the Energy timeline. Details of system events within the specified time range are shown in the event pane when you select a time range in the Energy timeline.

To see the call stack and other details for a system event, such as a wakelock, select it in the event pane. To go to the code responsible for a system event, double-click the entry in the call stack.

The new lint checks help you to find and identify common code problems, ranging from warnings about potential usability issues to high-priority errors regarding potential security vulnerabilities.

To make sure that your Java code interoperates well with your Kotlin code, new lint checks enforce the best practices described in the Kotlin Interop Guide. Examples of these checks include looking for the presence of Nullability annotations, use of Kotlin hard keywords, and placing lambda parameters last. To enable these checks for command-line builds, add the following to your build.

New lint checks for Slices help to ensure that you are constructing Slices correctly. For example, lint checks warn you if you have not assigned a primary action to a Slice. Use the new lintFix Gradle task to apply all of the safe fixes suggested by the lint check directly to the source code. An example of a lint check that suggests a safe fix to apply is SyntheticAccessor. Various metadata, such as the service cast check, have been updated for lint checks to work with Android 9 API level Lint now records which variant and version a baseline is recorded with, and lint warns you if you run it on a different variant than the one with which the baseline was created.

For example, the resource cycle checks now apply to additional resource types, and the translation detector can find missing translations on the fly, in the editor. Issue IDs are now shown in more places now, including in the Inspection Results window. This makes it easier for you to find the information that you need to enable or disable specific checks through lintOptions in build. For more information, see Configure lint options with Gradle.

Data Binding V2 is now enabled by default and is compatible with V1. This means that, if you have library dependencies that you compiled with V1, you can use them with projects using Data Binding V2. However, note that projects using V1 cannot consume dependencies that were compiled with V2. R8 is a new tool for code shrinking and obfuscation that replaces ProGuard.

When using the Project window in previous versions of Android Studio, you could navigate and inspect only the header files that belong to libraries you build from a local project. Previous versions of Android Studio enabled native multidex when deploying the debug version of an app to a device running Android API level 21 or higher.

Beginning with Android Studio 3. To use AAPT2, make sure that you have a google dependency in your build. Android Studio no longer passes the --configure-on-demand argument to Gradle. The ADB Connection Assistant provides instructions, in-context controls, and a list of connected devices in a series of pages in the Assistant panel.

You can now save and load snapshots of an AVD Android virtual device at any time in the Android Emulator, making it fast and easy to return an emulated device to a known state for testing. Controls for saving, loading, and managing AVD snapshots are now in the Snapshots tab in the emulator's Extended controls window. Builds configured with source sets failed with the following message when Instant Run was enabled:. Build failures occurred during dexing in some projects with large numbers of modules or external dependencies, with the following error message:.

This update also includes changes that make running lint checks from Gradle much faster in some scenarios. In some cases, when a project created in Android Studio 3. The result was that projects did not build when the Run or Debug button was clicked, which in turn caused failures such as deployment of incorrect APKs and crashes when using Instant Run.

To solve this problem, Android Studio 3. This modification occurs after the first Gradle sync when the project is loaded. Improvements include better control flow analysis for collections and strings, improved nullability inference, new quick fixes, and much more. When you use the Room database library , you can take advantage of several improvements to SQL editing:.

This update includes several improvements for data binding :. You can now use a LiveData object as an observable field in data binding expressions. The ObservableField class can now accept other Observable objects in its constructor. You can preview a new incremental compiler for your data binding classes. For details of this new compiler and instructions for enabling it, see Data Binding Compiler V2.

Libraries keep their generated binding classes when the app is compiled, rather than being regenerated each time. This can greatly improve performance for multi-module projects. You don't need to make any changes to your code or your development workflow to get these benefits, unless you had previously manually disabled the D8 compiler. If you set android. For projects that use Java 8 language features , incremental desugaring is enabled by default, which can improve build times. Desugaring converts syntactic sugar into a form that the compiler can process more efficiently.

You can disable incremental desugaring by specifying the following in your project's gradle. For details about how to use the new, simplified Build window, see Monitor the build process. The Gradle sync and IDE indexing processes are now much more efficient, reducing time wasted on many redundant indexing operations. Improvements include the following:. Sync time is also greatly reduced for large projects. Performance when building and syncing with CMake has been improved through more aggressive reuse of cached results.

Running lint from the command line now analyzes your Kotlin classes. For each project that you would like to run lint on, Google's Maven repository must be included in the top-level build.

The Maven repository is already included for projects created in Android Studio 3. The CPU Profiler now includes a default configuration to record sampled traces of your app's native threads. You can use this configuration by deploying your app to a device running Android 8. After that, record and inspect a trace as you normally would.

You can change default settings, such as the sampling interval, by creating a recording configuration. To switch back to tracing your Java threads, select either a Sampled Java or Instrumented Java configuration. The CPU Profiler and Memory Profiler include a search feature that allows you to filter results from recording a method trace, memory allocations, or heap dump.

To search, click Filter in the top-right corner of the pane, type your query, and press Enter. In the CPU Profiler's Flame Chart tab, call stacks that include methods related to your search query are highlighted and moved to the left side of the chart.

For more information on filtering by method, class, or package name, see Record and inspect method traces. The Network Profiler now includes a Request tab that provides details about network requests during the selected timeline. In previous versions, the Network Profiler only provided information about network responses. After selecting a portion of the timeline in the Network Profiler , you can select one of the following tabs to see more detail about the network activity during that timeframe:.

The Layout Inspector gained new features, including some functionality previously provided by the deprecated Hierarchy Viewer and Pixel Perfect tools:.

The Palette in the Layout Editor has received many improvements:. You can use the new Convert view command in the Component tree or design editor to convert a view or layout to another type of view or layout.

You can now easily create constraints to items near the selected view using the new Create a connection buttons in the view inspector at the top of the Attributes window. The behavior of the Use same selection for future launches option in the Select deployment target dialog has been made more consistent.

If the Use same selection option is enabled, then the Select deployment target dialog opens only the first time that you use the Run command until the selected device is no longer connected.

When targeting a device running Android 8. This is possible because the resources are contained in a split APK. For details of what's new and changed in the emulator since Android Studio 3. To see keyboard shortcuts for many commands, just hold the mouse pointer over a button until the tooltip appears.

Commands that were previously under this menu have been moved. In many cases, the functionality available through the Device Monitor is now provided by new and improved tools. See the Device Monitor documentation for instructions for invoking the Device Monitor from the command line and for details of the tools available through the Device Monitor. Simply ignore this error and click Cancel to resume the installation.

This is a minor update to Android Studio 3. Android Plugin for Gradle 3. When using the new plugin with these large projects, you should experience the following:. For more information about what's changed, see the Android Plugin for Gradle release notes. If you're ready to upgrade to the new plugin, see Migrate to Android Plugin for Gradle 3. So with this release, Android Studio includes Kotlin language support for Android development.

To get started, read how to add Kotlin to your project. You can now use certain Java 8 language features and consume libraries built with Java 8. Jack is no longer required , and you should first disable Jack to use the improved Java 8 support built into the default toolchain. To update your project to support the new Java 8 language toolchain, update the Source Compatibility and Target Compatibility to 1. To learn more, read how to use Java 8 language features.

The new Android Profiler replaces the Android Monitor tool and provides a new suite of tools to measure your app's CPU, memory, and network usage in realtime.

You can perform sample-based method tracing to time your code execution, capture heap dumps, view memory allocations, and inspect the details of network-transmitted files. The event timeline at the top of the window shows touch events, key presses, and activity changes so you have more context to understand other performance events in the timeline.

Then, you can troubleshoot CPU performance issues using a variety of data views and filters. The Memory Profiler helps you identify memory leaks and memory churn that can lead to stutter, freezes, and even app crashes.

It shows a realtime graph of your app's memory use, lets you capture a heap dump, force garbage collections, and track memory allocations. For more information, see the Memory Profiler guide. The Network Profiler allows you to monitor the network activity of your app, inspect the payload of each of your network requests, and link back to the code that generated the network request. For more information, see the Network Profiler guide. Android Studio now allows you to profile and debug any APK without having to build it from an Android Studio project—as long as the APK is built to enable debugging and you have access to the debug symbols and source files.

This displays the unpacked APK files, but it does not decompile the code. So, to properly add breakpoints and view stack traces, you need to attach Java source files and native debug symbols. The new Device File Explorer allows you to inspect your connected device's filesystem, and transfer files between the device and your computer. This replaces the filesystem tool available in DDMS.

For more information, see the Device File Explorer guide. Android Studio also includes a new modularize refactoring action to help you add support for Instant Apps in an existing project. In the dialog that appears, select the module where the classes should go and click OK. For more information, see how to create an Android Things project. Image Asset Studio now supports vector drawables and allows you to create adaptive launcher icons for Android 8. For more information, read about Adaptive Icons.

To support the new font resources in Android 8. The layout editor can also preview the fonts in your layout. To try downloadable fonts, ensure that your device or emulator is running Google Play Services v For more information, read about Downloadable Fonts. The Firebase Assistant has been updated with a new tutorial to test App Indexing. The App Links Assistant has been updated with the following new capabilities:.

Android Studio now supports a special tag in the manifest file that allows you to test your intent filter URLs. These are the same tags that the App Links Assistant can create for you. If any one of the test URLs does not pass the intent filter definition, a lint error appears.

Such an error still allows you to build debug variants, but it will break your release builds. However, this is far from the truth. Using a game engine will drastically reduce the learning curve and will allow you to focus more on making the game fun.

There are a variety of different game engines out there, the most popular options are:. Unity and Unreal Engine are more popular than CryEngine. The difference between Indie and AAA:. AAAs are comprised of much larger teams and have a lot of experience in the industry along with a lot of funds. Some examples:. Instead of having to code every single aspect of the game yourself, you can simply just script the behaviour using a game engine.

This is made possible by the fact that game engines do quite a lot of the work for you, things such as physics, lighting, rendering etc. All you have to do is create the game objects these are just containers with different elements attached , set up the order and layout, assign the relevant properties to the game objects and script the behaviour.

Some game engines actually allow you to create a whole game without any coding required at all, the most popular one is Unreal Engine. It features a Blueprints system, which utilises a node based structure which is essentially just a system that uses boxes and arrows. These boxes and arrows are linked if they are part of the same function. You would create a base node, which would contain the necessary sub-functions.

In that base node you would declare the key you wanted to use, then create another node telling the game what to do. The base node would be a box containing the function for pressing the key.

The second node would be another box linked to the first box. This is extremely useful, not just for designers but also for programmers as it allows them to rapidly create prototypes. Unity does also have this feature, which is known as visual scripting. However, it takes the form of an asset that you must buy. Unity is actually better for beginners looking to make games as it teaches you how to script. Unreal Engine is much more advanced, even though it features visual scripting.

Which means there is a bigger learning curve. So now you know a bit more about game engines and how they function. This tutorial will be using Unity 5.

I will be teaching you how to create an aesthetically pleasing Android app. This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of using Unity. Ensure you always have the latest version of Unity as they contain bug fixes and improvements. If you have an older version of Unity, you could potentially run in to errors. These errors can usually be fixed by updating.

I should also mention that building for any mobile platform requires the respective SDK installed on your computer for Android, you need Android Studio. For iOS, you need a Mac with Xcode installed. A new window will open up, scroll all the way to the bottom and ensure that the Google USB and Web Drivers are both selected. You can leave the other components selected by default. Then click on Install Packages in the bottom right and wait for it to install. Ensure this is ticked.

If setting up the drivers is too tedious, follow the alternative options in the Testing Section of this tutorial. The programming language I will be using for this tutorial is C. Unity does also support JavaScript, however, C has more advanced features, albeit being slightly harder to learn. I will also teach you some tips and tricks that I have learnt during my time making games. Once you have successfully created your project, ensure you have the following folders in your assets folder:.

However, if you decide to expand on it then you are free to add any other folders as you see fit sounds, animations etc. In this window click on the Android option under the header "Platforms", then click on "Switch Platform" in the bottom left corner. You will need Android Studio installed in order for this to work. Above is an image of a star with a black background.

Save this image in to your Textures folder. You will be using it for the Particle System. Set the Texture Type to Texture by clicking on the image in your Textures folder and selecting the appropriate value in the Inspector, then click Apply. This will make the background of the star transparent.

Playing around with these values will give you a better understanding of how it works. Ensure that the Texture of the Particle System is set to the Star Texture by expanding the Shader and selecting the Star Texture in the box on the right.

Or you could just drag and drop the image from your Textures folder in to the box. This will tell the particle system to make the background of the Star transparent and will optimise it for Android. This will create a prefab of that Particle System. Next we will be creating a Trail Prefab, which will draw a trail as long as you drag your finger on the screen. When you lift your finger up, the trail will disappear after a couple of seconds.

Then add a Trail Renderer component to it. Set it up using the values provided in the screenshot above. This will assign the Material to the Trails Game Object. These are all the effects we will be using. Feel free to create more if you like, or modify the existing ones. One final thing before we can move on to the programming. Click on the Main Camera in the Hierarchy.

Change the Background Colour to either black or another dark colour and change the Size of it underneath the Projection drop down box from 5 to This will allow you to see more of the background. Now that we have created all the prefabs, we can move on to the programming. You will have to write quite a bit of code as this is a more advanced tutorial. This is also another extensive read. I have uploaded it to Dropbox, here is the link:. It will also get you in to the practice of checking your code for any errors.

Here is the code:. Now that we have this script ready, we can add it to the scene. Now assign the Variables to their respective Prefabs by dragging the Prefab from the Prefabs folder in the Project View to the Scripts properties in the Inspector Window.


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